
Democrats told us Biden was razor sharp. Wait till America gets the Kamala Harris spin

Here we go again.

For years, Democrats and the lefty media insisted that Joe Biden’s faculties are razor sharp and that conservatives have been manipulating public opinion, most recently with their fabulous lies about ‘cheap fakes.’ Kamala Harris is about to get the same treatment.

President Biden stands naked and defeated, alas it turned out the emperor had no clothes, but today, a whole new set of deceitful royal robes are being fabricated for Harris to go along with the crown she will be presented at the Democrat’s coronation next month in Chicago. 

Harris, who only polled 3 percent higher than you or I before limping out of the 2020 primary, will now be painted as some combination between FDR, JFK, and Maya Angelou all in one.

But there was a reason that Harris’ poll numbers barely reached the average combined score of an average soccer game; she has no actual accomplishments, just an impressive set of job titles.

Kellyanne Conway: Kamala Harris does not work hard

Between 2004 and 2017 Harris was first District Attorney of San Francisco, then Attorney General of California. The former is now a den of crime and open-air drug use that in places looks more like Lagos than America, and people can’t get out of the latter fast enough, including, recently, Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Democrats will happily portray Kamala as Scottie Pippen to Joe’s Michael Jordan, when in fact they generally appeared less competent than Abbott and Costello.

After that, the would-be cackler-in-chief almost finished a senate term in which the only memorable moment was her yelling at now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for liking beer and not raping anybody.

But Democrats think they have an ace up their sleeve, after all Harris has spent the last three years in the executive branch, her presidency would be shovel ready, and this is where the true gaslighting begins.

The Democrats will tell us that Joe Biden is the most effective and consequential president of our lifetime and Harris has been learning from the master. This is an obvious lie, as every approval rating of Biden shows, but it is irrelevant now, because the big guy isn’t running.

Democrats will happily portray Kamala as Scottie Pippen to Joe’s Michael Jordan, when in fact they generally appeared less competent than Abbott and Costello.

Kamala Harris has been our tireless Border Czar as tens of millions of illegal immigrants have poured over the Rio Grande, Czar Nicholas II did a better job holding off the Bolsheviks.

Kamala Harris nomination

In some polls, 70 percent of Americans disapprove of the administration’s handling of the border, led by the vice president, and that is because every state has become a border state with Bidenville tent cities and hotels being used for criminal activity by illegals.

Harris had a chance to rise above the fray when border agents were wrongly and ridiculously accused of whipping Haitian migrants, but she just went along with the lie, throwing good, decent people serving their community right under the bus.

Jason Miller: Democrats think Kamala Harris is a loser

On foreign policy, there is no reason to believe that Harris would deviate at all from the disastrous judgments of the administration on the Afghanistan withdrawal, the boondoggle in Ukraine or the insane mixed messaging on the war on Gaza, which regularly chides Israel while coddling Hamas.

Kamala Harris is just a relief pitcher for the same stinking, awful baseball team that was in the field Saturday: Tony Blinken, first base, Jake Sullivan at shortstop, etc. They remain the Bad News Bears.

Notwithstanding this shabby record, make no mistake, right now in the tailor shops of the DNC glorious new robes of wisdom, experience, and intelligence are being spun for Kamala from the gold of newly released donor dollars, and they might look very pretty.

But the American people aren’t stupid. 

Harris will use legal career to make the race against Trump about a

Maybe had Joe bowed out gracefully months ago there could have been time for Harris to start playing a more active role, to brush up her bona fides, but today they are just slapping some makeup on her and rushing her to her close up.

After all the obvious lies, many Americans feel they were duped, and the sting of such betrayal does not abate quickly, especially when one of the core crafters and enablers of the prevarications may now sit atop the ticket.

In Hans Christen Anderson’s fairy tale of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes,’ it is the honest laughter of a child that finally breaks the pretense, that finally allows the Emperor’s subjects to acknowledge and express the truth. And once the spell is snapped, it is snapped forever.

We knew that the Biden administration was incompetent, now we also know they have been blatantly lying to us. Biden wasn’t running circles around young staffers, he was taking naps, and the would-be savior of 2024 knew it.

None of that can change now. Kamala could campaign in a Captain America costume and everyone would see right through it, exposing her lack of accomplishments and years of lying about Joe.

Even so, she might just be the best chance they have.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS